Take-up, Use, and Effectiveness of Remote Learning Technologies in Bangladesh during COVID-19

Take-up, Use, and Effectiveness of Remote Learning Technologies in Bangladesh during COVID-19

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Governments and educational organizations worldwide are trying to quickly adapt to the unprecedented circumstances created by the pandemic, by developing or scaling up distance education modalities to continue delivering educational content to students and maintain students’ connection to formal education. However, the effectiveness of these tools is largely unknown.

In partnership with the Bangladeshi government, researchers will evaluate two remote learning initiatives targeted at post-primary education: (a) daily televised lessons for grades 6-10, and (b) an online learning platform, that acts as repository for the televised lessons and where students can also complete quizzes. We will evaluate three interventions aimed at decreasing the barriers to remote education and increase the effectiveness of these remote learning initiatives. First, researchers will reduce the cost of internet learning activities by providing discounted data packages. Second, to increase salience of the options available, researchers will provide information and reminders about the remote TV lessons and the online platform. Third, they will provide students with support by connecting students directly to teachers.

Project Outcomes of Interest

Primary Outcomes
• Parents and students’ time and economic investments in remote education
• Usage of TV lessons and online platform, completion of remote homework
• Student learning outcomes (about remote education content and general learning)

Secondary Outcomes 
• Parental and child expectations on re-enrollment and grade completion
• Parental willingness to pay for remote learning options
• Student aspirations and mental health


Aspire to Innovate (a2i)

Impact Goals

  • Keep children safe, healthy, and learning

Project Data Collection Mode

  • CATI (Computer-assisted telephone interviewing)
  • IVR (Interactive voice response)
  • SMS

Link to Pre-Registration


Results Status

No Results Yet