IPA expands its brand in Ndaragwa

IPA expands its brand in Ndaragwa

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Because of the especially sensitive nature of doing research with human subjects, all of IPA's projects must be approved by an Internal Review Board.  The board makes recommendations for how to ensure that the project environment is as respectful as possible to the rights of study participants.  One of their requirements is providing survey participants with IPA contact information so that they can ask questions and voice concerns after they have completed the survey. 

Our field staff in Ndaragwa, Kenya wanted to make sure that participants could easily find the IPA office there in case they wanted to present any questions in person.  So they hired a painter to brand the office with the IPA logo, the results of which you can see below.  Thanks to our Evaluation Coordinator Suleiman W. Asman for the photo--the office looks great.


October 12, 2009