Growth Charts Project: Qualitative Follow-up Report

Growth Charts Project: Qualitative Follow-up Report

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In Zambia, 40% of children under the age of five are stunted. Addressing stunting in children requires continuous efforts by caregivers; if caregivers are unaware of their child’s growth faltering, increased attention to child nutrition in the household seems unlikely. In 2015, we conducted a cluster- randomized trial to test a pair of interventions designed to provide caregivers with information on their children’s physical growth. This report describes a qualitative follow-up study with participants of that trial. The aim of the follow-up study was to learn about parents’ perceptions of the original interventions and to understand the general views of parents on early child physical growth. The learnings generated by this follow-up study will be used to refine the design of the interventions and will also shed light on challenges in addressing child growth in Zambia more generally.

December 04, 2018