Small and medium enterprise initiative events

Small and medium enterprise initiative events

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Sparking a Conversation on Small and Medium Enterprises

The SME Initiative's network of researchers and decision-makers works together to set a policy-relevant research agenda, conduct cutting-edge research, and share findings and best practices to improve the way SME policy is implemented around the world. Twice a year, the Initiative hosts a Working Group meeting to bring network members together to discuss research ideas and results, as well as new opportunities for collaboration. This blog post discusses some of the research presented at the SME Initiative's 4th Working Group meeting, held in collaboration with Private Enterprise Development for Low-Income Countries in London in December 2013. The blog post was also published on

The SME Initiative's 5th Working Group meeting was held in Boston on September 19. The list of presentations from this meeting can be found on our Events Page.

May 22, 2014